
A simple breakfast inspiration. Pick a category and be inspired.

Built with: php, symfony3, sqlite, css, and html

Written in PHP using Symfony 2 and SQLite, Earlsh provides a simple front end to shorten URLs. Also offers a REST-API to create and resolve these. Creation of tokens is restricted to certain API-Keys, that can be generated in the admin backend.

Built with: php, symfony2, sqlite, css, and html

earlsh on Github

A chrome plugin to quickly shorten and share URLs using an Earlsh installation.

Built with: javascript, html, and css

earlsh for chrome on Github

A small GUI application written in Python using the TKinter library. The application enables the monitoring of URL status codes and the repetitive requesting of those. By colouring the entries it allows for a quick overview.

Built with: python and tkinter

urlmonitor on Github

The result of some experiments with the HTML canvas element and basic Javascript. Using RequireJS I glued together some plain Javascript files with a keyboard library. Try little-block.

Built with: javascript, requirejs, and html

little-block on Github

The webfrontend for the Escreenplus project. This study project was dedicated to create a website for the assesment of human resources. It was the administration panel to create and analyze results of tests (a number of game modules displayed on the screen; written in Javascript).

Built with: angularjs, html, css, grunt, bower, jwt, and javascript

The server for the Escreenplus project. This study project was dedicated to create a website for the assesment of human resources. The server prvoides a REST-API to access data like users, roles and results. It uses JSON Webtokens for authentication.

Built with: node, javascript, npm, jwt, and mongodb

Native Android App to read news feeds. Instead of enabling the user to choose and subscribe to his own news feeds it offers a curated list of sources to choose from.

Built with: android and java

YABNA on Github